Compassion: to suffer with.

from Latin: to suffer with.

There are beautiful but tender desires in each of us.

How could our relationships and perceptions change if we paused to suffer with each Enneagram Type?

suffer with Type 1:

How would it feel to see the potential of all that could be good and right in a world so full of things that are wrong?

suffer with Type 2:

How would it feel to long for connection and belonging for all in a world so fragmented and tribal?

suffer with Type 3:

How would it feel to hope for validation in a world that makes you fight so hard for every accolade and accomplishment?

suffer with Type 4:

How would it feel to search for uniqueness and meaning in a world rewards conformity and speed?

suffer with Type 5:

How would it feel to want to be competent and independent in a world so full of information and demands?

suffer with Type 6:

How would it feel to plan for security and look for support in a world so ready to throw people under the bus?

suffer with Type 7:

How would it feel to desire a life of fullness and joy in a world so full of emptiness and pain?

suffer with Type 8:

How would it feel to seek to guard and protect yourself and others in a world that so often harms the vulnerable?

suffer with Type 9:

How would it feel to long for peace and harmony in a world so loud with the cacophony of dissenting arguments?

Stephanie Spencer

personal & leadership development coach | accredited enneagram practitioner

Where do I start?


Enneagram Triads: The Collaboration Approaches